Laboratory in Charge: Rakesh Kumar Rajak (Asst. Professor)
Laboratory Information: The lab serves as an essential component of the mechanical engineering curriculum, providing students with practical insights into the operation, performance, and optimization of internal combustion engines. Through a range of experiments and projects, students gain valuable knowledge and skills that are crucial for a successful career in the automotive and power industries.
Practical Application: The primary objective of the IC Engine Lab is to enhance students’ understanding of internal combustion engines, their operation, performance, and emissions. Through a combination of experiments, simulations, and research projects, students will gain valuable insights into the working principles, thermodynamics, and mechanical aspects of IC engines. Additionally, the lab aims to encourage innovation and creativity in the field of automotive and power generation systems, pushing the boundaries of efficiency and sustainability.
Experimental Skills: The IC Engine Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering offers an enriching experience for students and researchers, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Through hands-on experiments and innovative research projects, the lab plays a crucial role in nurturing skilled engineers who are capable of addressing the challenges and demands of the ever-evolving automotive and power generation industries.
Course Objectives:
1. To Understand the function/Operation of Two Stroke & Four Stoke engines and their behavior at different load conditions.
2. To understand the working of Two stage air compressor and analyze the efficiency and other relevant performance parameters.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the experiments, student will be able to:
CO1. calculate different efficiency and performance parameters related the different Internal Combustion Engines.
CO2. establish behavioral relationship among efficiency, loading and Power delivery capacity.
CO3. formulate the relation between performance parameters and evaluate the same for different loading conditions.
S. No. List of Equipment/ Test Rigs
1. Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine Test Rig
2 . Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig
3. Two Stroke Reciprocating Air Compressor Test Rig