Laboratory Name: Fluid Mechanics
Laboratory In charge: Shashank Saurabh (Asst. Prof.)
Laboratory Information: This laboratory is designed to determine the properties of fluid and to conduct various experiments to investigate kinetics and kinematics of fluid properties. The goal of the experiments includes to find the impact of force when fluid strikes over the vanes, major and minor losses in the flow and to determine the states of flow using Reynolds experiments.
Course objectives:To understand the concepts of basic fluid properties, kinetics and kinematics of fluid applications.
Course outcomes:
CO1: students will be able to find metacentre, and able to analyse the stability of ships.
CO2: students will be able to find discharge of fluid flow through a pipe or channel.
CO3: Students will be able to analyse how the energy conservation works in bernaullies experiments
List of Equipments:
1. viscosity apparatus
2. Meta centric Height apparatus
3. Orifice, Venturi and rota meter apparatus
4. friction factor apparatus
5. Friction factor apparatus
6. Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus
7. Reynolds number apparatus
8. Minor Losses apparatus
9. Free and force vortex flow apparatus
10. hydraulic bench
11. Pitot tube

Bernaullies experiments

Drag coefficients apparatus

Free and forced vortex flow apparatus

Meta centric Height apparatus

Orifice, Venturi and rota meter apparatus