Laboratory Name: Geotechnical Engineering Lab
Laboratory In Charge: Imtiyaz Alam (Asst. Prof.)
Laboratory Information: The geotechnical engineering lab is equipped for soil testing. It conducts various experiments to analyze soil properties, compaction, permeability, shear strength, and bearing capacity. The lab plays a crucial role in assessing soil behavior for construction projects, foundation design, and geotechnical investigations.
Practical Application: Geotechnical engineering labs play a crucial role in analyzing soil properties, aiding in the design and construction of foundations, slopes, and retaining structures. By conducting tests such as soil classification, compaction, and shear strength assessments, they ensure safe and efficient infrastructure development while mitigating potential geotechnical hazards.
Experimental Skills: A geotechnical engineering lab specializes in conducting experiments to analyze soil properties. It employs various tests like triaxial compression, direct shear, permeability, and consolidation tests. These skills aid in assessing foundation stability, slope stability, and soil behavior, vital for engineering projects like buildings, roads, and dams.

S.NoInstrument Name
1.Core cutter apparatus
2.Sand pouring cylinder apparatus
3.Liquid limit device
4.Plastic limit set
5.Shrinkage limit set
6.Laboratory permeability apparatus (constant head and falling head)
7.laboratory vane shear
8.Direct shear apparatus
9.Consolidation apparatus
10.Triaxial shear test apparatus
11.Unconfined Compression Tester
12.Proctor Test Apparatus (light compaction & heavy compaction)
13.Laboratory hot air oven
14.Electronic Balance

Consolidation apparatus

Core Cutter Apparatus

Triaxial shear test apparatus

Unconfined Compression Tester

Direct Shear Apparatus

Lab. Vane Shear Apparatus

Lab. Permeability Apparatus

Hot Air Oven

Casagrande Apparatus